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Manage your recurring tasks intelligibly!

It is just one click away!
No need to give detailed directions.
No need to repeat a reporting no a daily basis.

What is Checkeys?

Our solution is an efficient service that allows users to create tasks, keep track of its progress, and keep team members informed anywhere, anytime.


Create tasks

Assign tasks to members

Manage workflow

Keep track of a task progress

Check the assigned tasks(Checkeys/Checker) to them

Complete tasks

Report back to a supervisor

Leave comments, if necessary


Case1:Used in the store

  • List the work from open to close with Checkeys
  • Since it is a cloud system, progress can be confirmed even from the head office or another branch.
  • Customize each store or department to improve work efficiency

Case2:Used in the field of nursing care and welfare

  • List of individual physical condition management
  • Smooth transfer of the person in charge
  • Creating a long-term care manual

Case3:Used in the transportation industry

  • Remote sharing of destinations and traffic information
  • Check the progress of your work
  • Easy progress report from your smartphone

Connect Checkeys to Slack and LineWorks

  • Notify Checkeys assigned to me
  • Notify Comments

Our team


Head of Director

Director of Customer Operations
Director of UI